Operating Systems Forum
Forum Thread: How to Find the Calculator in Windows 8 Also Pin It to Task Bar
We'll show you where to find the calculator in windows 8, and also how to pin it to the task bar, so that you do not loose it again.
Forum Thread: How to Get to the Start Menu on Windows 8 Two Different Ways
This video will show you how to get to the start window in Microsoft Windows 8. There are two different ways to get to it.
MS Word: How to Disable or Delete Recent Document List
This video will show you how to disable or delete recent document list in MS Word office 2007. This is very easy to employ. Watch the video and follow all the steps to disable or remove recent document list in Microsoft word.
Forum Thread: How to Increase Laptop Battery Life?
Battery problem is a common issue with laptop users. This video will show you how to increase your laptop battery life. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your PC.
Forum Thread: Top 10 Windows Shortcuts Keys
This video will show you how to know top 10 keyboard shortcuts for windows. With the help of this useful shortcut keys will make your PC experience smoother and faster. So please watch the video and employ this in your own PC.
Forum Thread: How to Create System Image Backup in Windows 7
This video will show you how to create a windows system image and recover after windows crash to get the stage you have created image. Watch the tutorial video and follow all the steps to employ it yourself.
Forum Thread: How to Change Windows Update Setting in Windows 7
This video will provide an idea how to change windows update setting in windows 7. This is very easy to employ. So please watch the video and follow all the steps to change windows update settings in your own PC.
Forum Thread: How to Disable Windows Startup Program
This tutorial video will provide an idea how to disable windows startup program. This is very easy to employ. So please watch the video and follow all the steps to speed up your computer by disabling startup programs.
Forum Thread: How to Create 3D Effect Object in MS Word
You don't know how to create a 3D effect in ms word? Here is the video for you. This video will show you how to create a 3D effect object in MS Word. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your PC.
Forum Thread: How to Disable System Beep in Windows 7 and 8
This video will show you how to stop or disable system beep in windows 7 and 8. This video will also help in how to stop windows default beep in booting time. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your own PC.
Forum Thread: How to Disable or Enable USB Port in PC
This video will provide an idea how to enable or disable USB port through device manager. The Disable USB port will provide you data security from theft. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your PC.
Forum Thread: How to Increase Your Android Battery Life
In this post i am going to tell you 5 tips for increasing your Android Battery life. Video: .
Forum Thread: How to Change Home Directory Name on Mac 10.7 +
Hello! Im Access Granted and this is my first post. Im going to teach you how to change your Home Directory/ User Account name on Mac 10.7 and up. Thanks for watching!
Forum Thread: How to Get into Bios on Windows 8
I turned on my pc and I cant get into bios set up
Forum Thread: How to Add Files, Folders, Shortcuts, Programs and More to Windows Explorer Computer Screen
Are You Tiered By Going And Navigating to A Folder Over And Over Again. But Wants To Get Them In Your Computer Folder Like Drives. If Your Answer is Yes You are come to the right place.
Forum Thread: How to Control Your Computer Through Your Voice
Hello, my name is Rohit. Some time in March 2013 I was trying to find a J.A.R.V.I.S.-like application to go along with my Iron Man-themed Rain meter skin. I soon realized there weren't many options out there aside from using Windows Speech Macros, so I started to play around with the Windows Speech SDK and over time it turned into this J.A.R.V.I.S. project.
Forum Thread: How to Clean Computer Screen My Self ?
I really need to clean my computer screen, But the stores cost to much, So I went to the computer that is getting the cleaning, To find out if I could do it myself at a cheaper price then the store and If I had the stuff around the house to clean it, So I need HELP ?
Forum Thread: Administrator Has Blocked Access of a Certain Function, How Do You Turn Off the Block?
Your administrator has blocked access of this function...turn off block?
Forum Thread: How to Access Hidden Wallpapers and Themes in Windows
Are You A Person Who Use Windows 7 ? Do You Love Themes And Wallpapers. Do you know that there is still some themes and wallpapers in your PC. If Your Answer is Not You are come to the right place . See The Video Below And Find Out Some Amazing Wallpapers and Themes in your Windows 7 Pc.
Forum Thread: How to Install an Operating System Using a Flash Drive
Just a tutorial that shows in my opinion the easiest way to install an operating system using a flash drive, it will take about 10 minutes.
Forum Thread: Partition Problem.
I want to extend my primary disk.I tried it by computer management and even by EaseUS partition tool. But it is not highlighting the extend option. Y? is there any other way to solve this problem?
Forum Thread: How to Retrieve Folders from Shortcut Virus in Your Pen Drive.
This post is for how to retrieve all files and folders from your pen drive from the annoying shortcut virus.
Forum Thread: What Is the Best Lightweight Linux Distribution?
I personally use Arch Linux but what is your opinion on the best "Light Weight"Linux OS?
Forum Thread: How to Downgrade to Windows 7 After Installing Windows 8
I have installed windows 8 on my laptop but now I again want to install windows 7